Updated config of auto completion

Boris Mann 14th September 2021 at 6:50am

Via a comment by fastfreddy, got a tip that you can edit the Auto complete plugin to include aliases in the search.

This is the template file to edit:


  "configuration": {
      "caseSensitive" : false,
      "maxMatch" : 8,
      "minPatLength" : 2,
      "triggerKeyCombination" : "^ "
  "template": [{
      "pattern": "[[",
      "filter": "[all[tiddlers]!is[system]][has[aliases]get[aliases]enlist-input[]]",
      "start": "[[",
      "end": "]]"
      "pattern": "||",
      "filter": "[all[tiddlers]!is[system]][has[aliases]get[aliases]enlist-input[]]",
      "start": "[[|",
      "end": "]]",
      "startOffset" : 2
      "pattern": "{{",
      "filter": "[all[tiddlers]!is[system]][has[aliases]get[aliases]enlist-input[]]",
      "start": "{{",
      "end": "}}"

I added a section for the default transclusion operater {{ … }}.

Should look at the inc macro too?